Ilaria Visigalli

Company: GLP SR-Tiget
Job title: Validation Manager
Navigating the Analytical Lifecycle: Strategic Management for Streamlined Product Development 1:01 pm
Discuss the stages of the analytical lifecycle from method development and validation to routine testing and continuous improvement. Explore the importance of establishing clear milestones and objectives at each stage to guide the management of control measures effectively Explore best practices for strategically placing control measures throughout the analytical lifecycle to ensure data integrity, method…Read more
day: Workshop Day
Maximising Efficiency & Conservation with Digital PCR: Development & Validation of ddPCR Methods for Gene Expression & Vector Copy Number Applied from DP Characterisation to Clinical Trial Samples 9:45 am
Discuss the unparalleled accuracy and sensitivity of ddPCR in absolute quantification of nucleic acids, enabling precise measurements with minimal sample input and reagent usage Understand the cost-saving benefits of ddPCR technology, which not only conserves materials but also streamlines experimental workflows, making it an economically viable option for cell therapy analytical development and beyond How a long-term vision can optimise…Read more
day: Conference Day Two